Preventive Measures Programs, Inc.

For more information, please contact us: 318-574-0098


Respite Care

couple with staffRespite care is a home- and community-based program that provides parents and other caregivers with short-term child care services that offer temporary relief, improve family stability, and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect. Respite can be planned or offered during emergencies or times of crisis. Services are offered to children with behavioral/ emotional problems and their families by providing services that evoke maximum potential and foster the development of cognitive and social competence.

Our commitment to quality care is evident in the strong bond our staff create with the children.

  • Relaxation
    Respite gives families peace of mind, helps them relax, and renews their humor and energy.
  • Enjoyment
    Respite allows families to enjoy favorite pastimes and pursue new activities.
  • Stability
    Respite improves the family’s ability to handle daily responsibilities and helps increase their stability.
  • Preservation
    Respite helps preserve the family unit.
  • Involvement
    Respite allows families to be more involved in community activities.
  • Time Off
    Respite allows families to take a needed vacation, spend time together, or time alone.
  • Enrichment
    Respite makes it possible for family members to enrich their own growth and development.

Services include:

  • Community outings
  • In-Home Care
  • Transportation Services
  • Low Adult to Child Ratio
  • Parent Education and Support

For more information on this particular service, you may reach out to our trusted and accommodating staff today. Dial 318-600-4225 / 318-574-0098 or send a message to [email protected].